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Image by Pavan Trikutam


Logo of the project: tampada

LLLP was partner in the 30-months Erasmus+ KA2 project “Tracking and monitoring the progress of adult learners” (TaMPADA), which is involving five partners from five European countries (Greece, United Kingdom, Belgium, Sweden, Slovenia).

The project kicked off on the 20-21st of November 2018 in Chesterfield, UK and aims to develop an outreach mechanism for tracking and monitoring long-term outcomes of disadvantaged learners’ participation in adult education (AE).

The project is the follow up of a previous project called “IMPADA”, that aimed to develop a (self-)assessment methodology for adult education providers on the effectiveness of AE provisions for disadvantaged adult learners while TaMPADA sets out to develop further instruments of measuring the impact and effectiveness of adult education.

IMPADA focused on the educational impact on disadvantaged learners and a main finding was the identification of outcomes-tracking of learners’ lifelong educational journeys as a challenge that the sector is currently facing.

The premise of TaMPADA is that tracking and monitoring lifelong progress would function as performance enabler for adult education providers by increasing data inflow for the elaboration of evidence-based strategies aiming at increasing supply quality, demand and regulatory effectiveness in adult education.

In TaMPADA, the partners are foreseeing four main outputs:

  • Assessment toolkit for disadvantaged learners’ lifelong and lifewide progress

  • Outreach tracking and monitoring framework for disadvantaged learners’ lifelong and lifewide progress

  • Digital lifelong and lifewide progress assessment tool

  • Survey report and policy recommendations

Coordinator: Derbyshire County Council (UK)

Partners: PROMEA (Greece), Folkuniversitetet (Sweden), AZM-LU (Slovenia) and theLifelong Learning Platform (EU).


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