With the Lifelong Learning Awards LLLP takes a stand to celebrate creative and inclusive practices in education and training.
The aim of the Lifelong Learning Award is to give visibility to innovative practices taking place all over Europe in order to attract public attention on lifelong learning as well as to inspire new practices and policies. Because of this, the Lifelong Learning Platform selects each year its annual specific priorities and sets its advocacy strategy on it. The LLLAwards are one of the tools that we use to mainstream our actions.
This year’s edition will focus on LLLPlatform’s theme of 2020, “Lieflong Learning for Sustainable Societies”. Because of the large topic, categories and applications were very broad and encompassed lots of cross-sectoral issues.
For such an exceptional topic, we are glad toannounce an outstanding Jury! Meet the members of the Jury who will award the winning practices on November 30th!
We received over 120 applications, globally representing 32 countries, but we could only select 3 winners, for the 3 categories.
And the winners are…
Best practice in ‘Learning that empowers – The future of learning’: MigratED by We-World GVC
The MigratED project aims at disseminating good educational practices on intercultural dialogue, migration and human rights, by training teachers, educators and younger generations on these topics and on the use of digital and multimedia tools.
Best practice in ‘Learning that matters – The future of skills’: Voluntary Youth Work Recognition for Employability By Social and Youth Workers and its European partners
This long-term Erasmus+ project is developed by Social and Youth Workers and its European partners and aims to increase recognition of voluntary youth work in society and among youth field employers, to acknowledge and validate youth volunteering in local, regional and national level, develop volunteers’ competences and link them to the labor market through validation of the skills and knowledge gained as a part of non-formal learning.
Best practice in ‘Learning that lasts – Sustainable learning’: Todos na Rede (Natura 2000) by KEEP Association
Winner of the ICNF Award 2019 – A Natural Idea, the project “Todos na Rede (Natura 2000)” introduced the Natura 2000 Network of Mainland Portugal (SPA – Special Protection Areas and SIC – Sites of Community Importance) to the school community and the general population, through games (interactive and memory), electronic books, exhibitions and photography contests.