This month, LLLP has become a member of the Pact for Skills community within the framework of the FIELDS project. The project partners represent over 10 Member States and several EU networks as well as different stakeholders in the education and employment sectors such as training providers, farmers, food industry and civil society representatives. Together they have worked on creating occupational profiles, curricula and training programmes to close the skill gaps in the agri-food sector. In addition, they were tasked with developing a sectoral alliance to address education and training needs in the agri-food sector: this alliance has taken the shape of a large-scale partnership within the Pact for Skills.
The Pact for Skills aims to mobilise a concerted effort for quality investment in up- and reskilling Europe’s workforce. As part of the Pact, LLLP will concentrate its efforts on ensuring both technical and transversal skills are given the appropriate attention and investment. The holistic approach to skills taken by LLLP means that the learners must develop technical skills alongside transversal skills to allow them to navigate the green transition and adapt to the changes in their fields and in society. The skills and competences to be built by the FIELDS training programmes take into account the different competence frameworks developed at EU level such as DigComp, EntreComp, GreenComp, the work on transversal skills and competences as well as the Key Competences for lifelong Learning as overarching guide.
The next steps for LLLP are to define our commitments as members of the Pact for Skills, together with FIELDS project partners. We look forward to continuing our work Promoting a culture of lifelong learning for all, Building strong partnerships for transversal competences development and Working against discrimination and for gender equality and equal opportunities. Moreover, throughout the European Year of Skills, LLLP will continue to advocate for putting Key Competences for Lifelong Learning and the European Framework for Personal, Social and Learning to Learn Key Competence at the centre of the efforts in education and training.
Stay tuned to our channels and SAVE THE DATE for the LLLWeek 2023 to take place between November 27 and December 1! LLLP and our members will be tackling the issues around the development of transversal competences and skills throughout the week with the participation of policy makers, social partners and all stakeholders from the formal, non-formal and informal sectors of education and training.
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