Teachers and trainers of Tomorrow – 13 potential project leaders are looking for a partnership with you
13 organisations are looking for partners in their European consortium on skills to apply for the upcoming Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic partnership and KA3 Policy reforms calls.
If you are interested in an international cooperation and feel like being a potential partner in an innovative project on skills, you can apply for maximum two of the following project ideas until 22 October 2017 (midnight). On 30 October 2017 you will know whether you were selected to participate in the project development workshop.
Overview of the 13 project ideas:
School Leadership For Learning – Catholic Education Flanders
Experience-oriented Education about Refugees – Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen
Effective Team Coaching for Resilient Professionals & Entrepreneur – Kajaani University of Applied Sciences (KAMK)
ISPET- Improving International School Placement Experience for Teacher Training Students – Ludwigsburg University of Education
Training of teachers as inclusive education ambassadors – National Association of Professionals Working with People with Disabilities
Music Profile Academy – Novia University of Applied Sciences
Three step model for robotics trainers of tomorrow – Satakunta University of Applied Sciences
Open Educational Resources for Literacy Trainers – Romanian Institute for Adult Education – IREA
Computational thinking in school subjectsocial skills, a missing link for employability – VIA University College
Mix it Up, Shake it Up! – Youth for Exchange and Understanding
taalCULTuur – University College PXL, department of teacher education
Making our literacy education 21st century proof! The use of technology to stimulate reading and writing skills of students at risk in secondary education – Centre for Language and Education KU Leuven
Teacher mentoring across contexts: A peer learning opportunity – Faculty of Education – University of Malta
Apply as a partner by 22 October 2017
How do you proceed if you want to apply as a potential partner ?
Step 1: Discover the details of each project proposal by clicking on the project title in this overview
Step 2: Select 1 or maximum 2 projects proposals for which you want to apply
Step 3: To apply, click on the link following the title of the project.
Step 4: A small textbox with a weblink opens automatically, click on that link to open the registration form and fill it out.
Step 5: Do not forget to submit your application by clicking on the submit-button below the form.
Important notes:
Please be well prepared in order to answer questions about your expertise, human and financial commitment to the project, time you need to obtain the formal “go” of your organization, etc.
The workshop and lunch are for free but NO compensation is provided for travel costs.
Your participation in the project development workshop cannot guarantee a successful outcome for your project*. However, it is an excellent opportunity for organizations to meet potential European partners, which might result in a fruitful and sustainable Erasmus+ or Horizon 2020 project.
Due to capacity of the venue, participants will be restricted to maximum 100.
To warm up, please join us on 30 November for the evening networking cocktail with the other participants of the project development workshop. More information will be available soon.
This event is a co-organisation of Baden-Württemberg, EARLALL, Lifelong Learning Platform, the Liaison Agency Flanders-Europe (vleva), Central Denmark EU Office, South Denmark European Office, Region Varmland EU Office, and West-Finland European Office. It will take place at Vleva, Avenue de Cortenbergh 71, 1000 Brussels.
Questions? Contact:
ReSET PDW Task Force – pdwtaskforce@gmail.com
Karen Vandersickel – Liaison agency Flanders-Europe karen.vandersickel@vleva.eu
Hanne De Roo – Liaison Agency Flanders-Europe hanne.deroo@vleva.eu
Ulrike Conrad – Representation of the State of Baden-Württemberg to the EU ulrike.conrad@bruessel.bwl.de
EARLALL earlall@earlall.eu
Christa Jakobsson – West Finland European Office christa.jakobsson@westfinland.be
Julie Sand Jørgensen – Central Denmark EU Office jsj@centraldenmark.eu
Henriette Hansen – South Denmark European Office hha@southdenmark.be
Ulla-Alexandra Mattl – Lifelong Learning Platform ulla-alexandra.mattl@lllplatform.eu
Ingrid Jansson – Region Värmland European Office ingrid.jansson@regionvarmland.se
*Please note that this workshop is a partnering event. The organisation can not guarantee that your project idea will be selected for EU-funding.