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Image by Pavan Trikutam

Policy recommendations on better inter-regional cooperation in lifelong learning

As the COMORELP project is coming to an end in August 2023, the Lifelong Learning Platform worked on a short Policy recommendation report. This Policy Recommendations Report exploits the lessons learnt throughout the COMORELP project, both in terms of lifelong learning policies shortcomings and improvement opportunities, and in terms of measures suggested to base future regional lifelong learning policies on better access to evidence and participatory monitoring of results.

The Recommendations are the result of interaction within the regional Policy Labs that took place in 5 European regions: Małopolska (Poland), Emilia-Romagna (Italy), Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (France), Wales (UK) and Istanbul (Türkiye), in the first project phase, and of the EU policy labs events that took place later and that aimed to connect regional stakeholders at EU level. Some partners also conducted expert interviews and desk research. The EU policy labs took place during LLLP’s Lifelong Learning week 2022 and online in March 2023.

The scope of the Report is Europe as the COMORELP project involved two non-EU regions (Wales and Istanbul), however, when referring to EU policies, the geographical focus is naturally on the 27 EU countries. EU regional programmes do not always involve non-EU regions.

Read the Policy Recommendation Report below:

The aims and target groups of the Policy recommendations are:

  • Recommendations for EU institutions, stakeholders and regional authorities on how to improve inter-regional cooperation in lifelong learning using Benchmarking for comparison, and intra-regional cooperation with education and training stakeholders.

  • Recommendations for regional policymakers and stakeholders on how to better design, implement and evaluate lifelong learning policies, fostering evidence-based approaches.

Both sets of recommendations aim to boost the “collaborative approach” in lifelong learning policies and policymaking by involving different kinds of stakeholders (learners, educators, civil society organisations).


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