LLLP is partner in the TRANSVAL-EU project which is about the integration of transversal skills and competences into validation and guidance processes. Following 30 months of intense collaboration and work with the 27 partners in the project (16 full partners and 11 associate partners), the project ended on August 31st 2023. In this article, we will give an overview of the final project results.
The research results on the pilot experimentation of the field trials in 5 EU countries (Poland, Austria, Italy, Belgium, Lithuania) were published in the form of a European Research report. An infographic and a fact sheet are also published for a condensed view on the main data and results for practitioners and candidates.
LLLP also finalised the European Policy Coherence Report (full version), a policy review of over 30 European policies and initiatives that address transversal skill and competences between 2010 and 2023 (Summary and Key findings). National coherence reports in English and local languages (DE, FR, IT, LT, PL) will soon be available on the project website. The European and national reports include a set of recommendations for policy-makers.
The Scenarios for validation and guidance pathways were also finalised, the European Report is accessible here. Soon the scenarios will also be available in their language versions on TRANSVAL-EU project website. The Scenarios show the pathways of an individuals and its personas in the validation and guidance journey depending on the country and context. 6 personas and countries are represented: Poland, Lithuania, Italy, Austria, Belgium and Iceland.
The European version of the TRANSVAL-EU training programme on how to integrate transversal skills and competences into validation and guidance processes and its materials are now fully available for view and download. The training is meant for validation and guidance professionals. More information here.
Finally, partners elaborated National Policy Action plans that outlines how partners will ensure project sustainability and policy impact in the mid-term follow-up period.