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Image by Pavan Trikutam


Digitalising Erasmus Traineeship Application & Support

The DETAS project is a key initiative with the general objective of supporting students to bridge the gap between their academic and professional lives. The project aims to increase the number of students and recent graduates participating in Erasmus+ mobility placements in a more diverse set of labour conditions and improve their experience on the ground. DETAS aims at improving the quality of traineeships and the interactions between students and recent graduates with employers.

Photo of 5 young people looking at a computer. Title of the project: DETAS - Digitalising Erasmus Traineeship Application and Support.

A research-based approach

Student Perspective and Tools: aims to innovate the Digital Trainee Journey to better support students before, during, and after their exchange. It focuses on understanding student needs and enhancing their overall experience.

From theory to practice

Support for Hosting Organisations: provides hosting organisations with tools and guidelines to improve the learning experience of Erasmus trainees. This includes enhancing the onboarding process and providing better support and evaluation for trainees.

Role of High Education Institutions in Traineeships

Institutional Implementation: Focuses on research and developing guidelines for the institutional implementation of Erasmus+ traineeships at the higher education level. It also includes technical solutions to connect institutions to

Being relevant, being heard 

Led by LLLP, the Outreach and Advocacy strategy aims to increase the diversity of students and organisations participating in Erasmus+ traineeships and improve the policy framework supporting these placements. It involves developing recommendations for adapting the Erasmus+ programme and improving visibility of internship opportunities.

Main outcomes 

DETAS aims at improving the ErasmusIntern portal, a key tool for students looking for traineeships all over the European Union!

Website homepage of the, introducing the website as the place "where trainees and traineeships meet". the place where trainees & traineeship meet provides an integrated market place that aims at bringing together internship providers and students seeking an internship opportunity abroad. is part of STORY project which is a project by the Erasmus Student Network (ESN). The STORY project has been funded with support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission. This project aimed at improving the accessibility and quality of international internships, as well as at increasing the awareness on the existence of such opportunities for youth.

The portal provides a place where companies and organisations can publish their internship offers and search for interns, and where students that want to do an internship abroad can have their profiles, search and apply for internships vacancies.

Main activities and deliverables

Student Perspective and Tools: Innovating the Digital Trainee Journey

  • Report on the current Quality of Erasmus Traineeship placements from the student perspective. 

  • Innovation to the student flow of the internship, increasing support for students and outline focus on the skills assessment and follow up of the mobility flow. 

Quality Hosting Experiences for Trainees

  • A Toolkit for Hosting International Trainees: toolkit for onboarding with supporting material for recruitment of Erasmus Interns.

  • A new and improved company profile and overhaul of the way companies are boarded on the ErasmusIntern portal with more quality standards and follow up past internship selection.

University's Role in Quality Traineeship placements

  • Research report on the institutional implementation of the Erasmus+ traineeships at Higher Education Institutions’ level.

  • University Roadmap to supporting Impactful traineeship placements abroad

  • Technical Blueprint on technical solutions to connect institutions to

Outreach and Advocacy

  • Report on Quality Framework for traineeships & Recommendations for adapting the next Erasmus+ programme

The consortium

1. Erasmus Student Network (ESN): Largest European student organisation focusing on mobility and higher education internationalisation.

2. European University Foundation (EUF): Network of 74 universities aiming to modernise European Higher Education.

3. University of Latvia (UL-LA): One of the largest Baltic research universities. 

4. Lifelong Learning Platform (LLLP): A network of 42 European organisations promoting equity and active citizenship in education.

5. University of Limerick (UL-IE): Irish university focusing on innovation and inclusion in education.

6. Expertise in Labour Mobility B.V. (ELM): Consultancy specialising in international labour mobility. 

7. West University of Timisoara (UVT): The largest higher education centre in Western Romania.


DETAS - Digitalising Erasmus Traineeship Application & Support


January 2024 - December 2026 


The project is carried out in the framework of the Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Cooperation Partnership. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.


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