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The European Digital Learning Network – DLEARN aims to embrace the challenges brought by the digital revolution in terms of digital skills mismatch, toward an inclusive digital society. The 47% of Europeans is not properly digitally skilled – yet in the near future 90% of jobs will require some level of digital skills and numerous opportunities in terms of jobs that are going to shape the labour market. Our aims are characterized by 4 key-words: SHARE, CONNECT, MULTIPLY, ENHANCE. DLEARN is a collector of practices and ideas, gathering diverse organizations in Europe to reflect, think and trigger new initiatives, toward the valorisation and the enhancement of digital learning.

The network is currently made by 25 members from 14 EU countries and made by a very diverse range of organizations: Universities, SME’s, NGO’s, local development agencies, public bodies.

The network is active through its members in different activities:

ICT / new technologies / digital competences

Intercultural/intergenerational education and lifelong learning

New innovative curricula / educational methods / development of training courses

Entrepreneurial learning – entrepreneurial education

Youth enhancement and boost of competences especially of those in need

Development of innovative educational tools through game-based approach, mobile applications and interactive platforms to engage learners.

Promotion and implementation of European transparency tools for education and training (ECVET, EQAVET, etc.)

Therefore, the two main goals the network is promoting are:

To develop and uptake of digital skills for every citizens, of any age, at all levels;

To foster digital learning, or in other words the use of ICT tools and methods to make learning more attractive, more effective, more flexible and to guarantee equal access to all.

The network is organized in 4 main working groups that represent the field of education and scope that Dlearn is covering through its activities.

Higher education: to boost students cantered-learning settings and innovative educational methods

Adult education and youth: Promote awareness and competent exploitation of ICT within the society

Vocational education and training: Enhance digital education to overcome skills mismatch and foster innovative training model

School education: Improve pedagogy and teaching with ICT tools and innovative practices

Gianluca Coppola


The European Digital Learning Network – DLEARN – is a non-profit association gathering 31 members all over the EU (Universities, Training centres, Service providers, SMEs, etc.). Its aim is to embrace the challenges brought by the digital transformation in terms of skills mismatch and learning opportunities. Moreover, DLEARN is active in research and advocacy activities as well as in several Erasmus+ projects.
Image by Pavan Trikutam
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