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The European University Colleges Association (EUCA) was founded in 2008, to bring together and represent University Colleges and associations of colleges in Europe. From 4 founding partners the association has gradually expanded to 12 countries and in the last years has worked having as its strategic objectives: the Colleges’ accreditation by European institutions (Parliament and Commission) as a reference actor in the European scenario of Higher Education in order to enhance the quality of education; the promotion, through European policies, of the ideas of talent, quality, and additional training in soft skills; and support the internationalization process of each member in its country.

EucA represents more than 10.000 students.


Promotion of the holistic educational model of Halls of Residence or University Colleges

Soft Skills training and certification of non-formal and informal learning

Employability of young people

Quality of Erasmus exchanges


Promotion of a responsible European citizenship (EucA Summer School in Cambridge)


eLene4work. Learning to learn for new digital soft skills for employability

DCW – Dissent, Conscience and the Wall Project

ACE. Europe for the Next Generation: Active Citizenship & Employability

Mirela Mazalu

Public Affairs

EucA works to promote the excellence of university halls of residence, to create an international network among university halls of residence, promote cultural exchanges and so to encourage active citizenship among young people. It represents around 30 000 students and 194 halls of residence in 10 countries.
Image by Pavan Trikutam
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