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The European university continuing education network (eucen) is an international non-governmental not-for-profit association founded in 1991 and registered under Belgian law. It currently has 183 members in 35 countries, all of them universities actively committed to and involved in the development of University Lifelong Learning (ULLL). It includes 17 national networks for University Continuing Education and ULLL in Europe and 8 associations concerned with the education of adults. eucen is one of the founding associations of the Lifelong Learning Platform.


Influence European Policy

Lifelong learning and University Continuing Education

Higher Education


Professional Development

Continuing Professional VET

Validation of non-formal and informal learning

Recognition of prior learning

Social Dimension in universities


COMMIT: Committing to the social dimension in universities

Connect-VET: Vocational education and training connecting HE and rural companies

PACE: Project actors community in Europe

PACT: Project actors capacity training in Caucasus

PROMOTE: Promoting and validating key competences in mobility and traineeship in Europe

TALOE: Time to Assess Learning Outcomes in eLearning

VALERU: Validation of non-formal and informal learning in Russian HE

ApprEnt: Refining Higher Education Apprenticeships with Enterprises in Europe

VINCE: Validation for Inclusion of New Citizens of Europe

MAGNET: Migrant Acceleration Growth Network for Entrepreneurship Training

DSA: Digital Skills Accelerator

InnoVal: Innovative assessment methods for validation

UNIBILITY: University meets social responsibility

MODERN: Mobility and digital elearning toolkit

TANDEM: Flexible pathways from VET to higher education

Jean-Marie Dujardin

EUCEN is the largest European multidisciplinary Association in University Lifelong Learning. It is an international non-governmental non-profit making organisation which gathers 183 members from 35 countries.
Image by Pavan Trikutam
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