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Image by Pavan Trikutam

A well-being-sensitive approach to access and participation in learning processes

powered by the Learning for Well-being framework

The first training sessions of the iBOX programme, which focused on Access and Participation in learning environments, were a success! During the afternoons of 14, 15 and 16 May, the first course of the iBOX online training programme was held with a group of more than 25 participants.

Facilitated by the Learning for Well-being Foundation, three modules were followed, from Unpacking Participation in Learning to deep-dive into Participatory Experiences, in order to achieve improved Practice through Participation.

slide of the training showing an arrow meaning the Learner’s lifelong learning trajectory. There is a circle representing the learning opportunity. The learners' circle is outside this learning environment, but an arrow from the learner to inside the learning circle indicates the learner can go inside it and achieve its unique potential

The course combined well-being and rights-based lenses on promoting participation in learning. It explored power dynamics, participatory methodologies, and practices that enhance individual, collective and civic engagement. It aimed to empower educators to foster inclusive and participatory learning experiences, ultimately promoting cross-border cooperation and holistic well-being.

Participation is often seen as attendance. However, participation is a continuous process, which involves attendance and engagement with learning opportunities, but also the possibility to influence and exercise power over the decisions of their own learning paths.

Participants discussed how participation is a right, and condition for the well-being of learners. In these terms, educators, professionals and organisations should commit to participation, and the question is how can participation be included, rather than if it should be. They should focus on supporting the transition of environments with no power to participatory environments, guiding learners.

A good example of learning through/by Participation is 3D Education. 3D Learning has been developed for teachers and supervisors to be able to address three differences in learning processes among learners. Three ways were developed, where children first can choose the way they prefer most. Thereafter they also need to take in other two routes, to develop. One route is an individual one, another with a group and another one, in pairs.

Another important consideration is to aim for meaningful participation, which requires certain conditions, focusing on the learners’ experience, educators’ commitment and learning environment. Ethical and meaningful participation is: respectful, relevant, voluntary, accountable, adapted to needs (contextualised), among others.

slide of the training showing the "wheel of power and privilege": a multicolored wheel with a center that says power. There are 16 factors in the wheel. Each factor lists characteristics of people closer to the center of power and further from the center of power. The people furthest from the center of power are more marginalised. For e.g. the factor of skin color, dark is the most marginalised, medium shades in the middle, and white closest to the center of power. For the factor of level of education, elementary education is the most marginalised, secondary education is in the middle, and post-secondary is closest to the center of power. For the factor of ability, visible disability is the most marginalised, invisible disability is in the middle, and able-bodied is closest to the center of power. For the factor of sexual orientation, visible homosexuality are the most marginalised, gay men are in the middle and straight women and men is closest the center; etc.

Colleagues from different backgrounds and with different professions had the chance to discuss and share their practices on the group setting, small groups brainstorming, and using digital resources. To improve their practice, participants were asked to choose an element where they could invite learners to participate, experiment and evaluate. Different contexts and ideas were discussed within the group.

We thank all the participants who joined and enriched the discussion, by sharing their own experiences and perspectives!

If you are interested in these topics but could not join, the iBOX partnership will hold a new online training programme later this autumn! And if you're in Brussels, don't miss the opportunity to attend a free, in-person training in June, by registering here.


Project Number: 101090952 – Inclusion Box (iBox)


Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.


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